Human Reproduction Archives
Volume 37, 2022
37, 2022
RESEARCH ARTICLE vol.37, e001018, 2022 Karyotype Analysis in Infertile Men from the Center Western Brazil
Roberta Machado de Oliveira Frota Curado, Bruno Faulin Gamba, Lucilene Arilho Ribeiro Bicudo, Manoel de Araújo Rocha Filho, Mário Silva Approbato, Waldemar Naves do Amaral,
Nádia Aparecida Bérgamo
RESEARCH ARTICLEInfertility vol.37, e000321, 2022 Physical and sexual violence during pregnancy in the northeastern backlands of Brazil: a cross-sectional study
Maria Misrelma Moura Bessa, Jefferson Drezett, Hugo Macedo Ferraz e Souza Junior,
Fernando Adami, Italla Maria Pinheiro Bezerra, Luiz Carlos de Abreu
RESEARCH ARTICLESexual violence, Reproductive health
REVIEW ARTICLE vol.37, e000621, 2022 Could endometriosis increase the severity of COVID-19 infection symptoms?
Bhianca Lopes Teixeira, Camila Pereira Almeida, Helen Lima Del Puerto, Enio Ferreira
REVIEW ARTICLEEndometriosis vol.37, e000721, 2022 Recurrent Pregnancy Loss: reviewing therapeutic approaches
Elaine Cristina Fontes de Oliveira, Mariana Seabra Leite Praça, Gabriela Martins Perez Garcia, Ines Katerina Damasceno Cavallo
REVIEW ARTICLEAssisted Reproduction
SYSTEMATIC REVIEW vol.37, e000821, 2022 Copy number variations as a risk factor for couples with idiopathic recurrent miscarriage: A systematic review
Sheila Janaina Sestari, Bruno Faulin Gamba, Francis Patrício França Ferreira,
Roberta Machado de Oliveira Frota Curado, Eduardo Camelo de Castro, Nádia Aparecida Bérgamo, Lucilene Arilho Ribeiro-Bicudo
SYSTEMATIC REVIEWReproductive Health
Hum Reprod Arch