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Review Article Endometriosis

Endometriosis and psychological interventions

Giuliana Inocente, Maria Rita Zoéga Soares

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Objectives: The objective of this systematic review was to analyze the results of psychological interventions as an aid in the medical treatment of endometriosis symptoms. Methods: This systematic review study conducted in 2016, in the databases Idex Psi, Lilacs, PePsic, PubMed, Scielo and Science Direct. The descriptors used were “endometriosis AND psychology”, “endometriosis AND health” and “endometriosis AND support group”. The inclusion criteria were to contain in the title the word “endometriosis” and to describe in the summary or in the tittle of the article on psychological analysis, intervention and/or recommendations for the treatment of women with endometriosis; or contain “endometriosis” in the title and be published in scientific journals of Psychology. Exclusion criteria referred in the title to as exclusively medical terms or to only one symptom of endometriosis. Results: The search resulted in 13 articles and three categories: Bibliographic review, Context analysis and Psychological intervention. Conclusions: The results indicated a lack of bibliography related to the condition of endometriosis and Psychology simultaneously, mainly regarding to psychological intervention. These data demonstrated the necessity for studies that investigate and develop intervention strategies for women in this condition.


systematic review; endometriosis; psychology; intervention.


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