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In vitro fertilization in thrombophilic patients

Cristina Terumy Okamoto, Fernando Sakata Belizário, Mauren Beatriz Frazon Carbonar, Ricardo Teodoro Beck, Theodoro Busso Beck Neto, Vanessa Caroline Portugal

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Objectives: To verify the in vitro fertilization success rates in patients with thrombophilia and compare it to a control group. Material and methods: Analysis of the records of patients submitted to in vitro fertilization between January 2011 and December 2014. The study group was comprised of 47 patients with thrombophilia and the control group was comprised of 223 patients without thrombophilia. Results: The thrombophilic patients age varied from 28 to 48 years, with average age of 35 years. The number of fertilization attempts varied from 1 to 6, with average of 2.11. The control group age varied from 22 to 63 years, with average of 36 years. The number of attempts varied from 1 to 4, with average of 1.28. Only 6.3% of the positive beta hCG results belonged to thrombophilic patients, while 32.7% of the negative results belonged to the study group. A high incidence of MTHFR mutations was found (61.7%), but the frequency of the factor V Leiden was not significant (2.1%). Conclusions: The patients with thrombophilia have lower success rates on in vitro fertilization procedures. The most frequent mutation was MTHFR C677T. There was no prejudice on the quality or quantity of oocytes.


in vitro fertilization; IVF; thrombophilia.


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